The Premiumisation Specialist

Premiumisation is the creation of value that transcends price

  A premiumisation strategy that engages, acquires and retains high-value consumers is the pathway to sustainable business growth.

A new economic order (NEO) of future shaping consumers is driving the fast lane of the two-speed economic recovery.


 Growth Fundamentals

We create Premium Value for your customers, brands and business through aligning your teams and custodians on how you will create maximum value perception in the minds of the highest value customer. There is a multiplying effect delivered through the use of these frameworks and the resulting alignment. Thereby delivering a comprehensive Premiumisation strategy.


High Value Customers

A sophisticated algorithm identifies those with the NEO mindset in any population or database. It was developed by social scientist Dr Ross Honeywill.

The NEO algorithm is configured in the Roy Morgan Single Source database. PREMIUM has an exclusive alliance with Roy Morgan.


Not all consumers are created equal. Half are born with a traditional mindset and the valuable half with the NEO mindset. For the traditional half everything starts and ends with price, features and status. The NEO half out-spends, out-borrows and out-invests the traditionals. NEOs are incessantly curious and seekers of experiences and products that satisfy their desire for authenticity, aesthetic beauty and emotional reward. For NEOs price isn’t a measure of value; it’s the cost of falling in love.  

NEOs are driving the two-speed recovery from the COVID-19 recession
— Dr Ross Honeywill

Resilient brands need resilient customers. NEOs are resilient consumers. Traditionals are not. After 9/11, the Global Financial Crisis and now in the recovery from COVID -19 NEOs became financially active first and fastest. After recessionary disruption they are back spending, and investing sooner and more frequently than anyone else, engaging financially with those things that align with their desires, that touch their spirit.


Premiumisation Solutions

Our Rapid Premiumisation Process (90 day) delivers practical steps to plan, activate, and align your organisation with your premiumisation strategy:


Our goal when partnering with clients is to maximise knowledge transfer and alignment internally, with what the deep data tells us about the opportunities for premiumisation in any category. Our proven frameworks enable organistions to address specific growth challenges and rapidly test and learn in market.



Our exclusive access in Australia to the Vennli choice analytics platform, enables us to create NEO centred competitive advantage whilst aligning the custodians of the brand with what NEOs truly value.


Premium Consumer Targeting

The NEO algorithm, used in combination with Roy Morgan Single Source is fully operational on media agency databases for planning & buying. They are also available to buy in Google, Facebook and every digital channel through our partnership with IPG Acxiom. Geographic targeting for retailing programs is also available.


Premiumisation Partners TEAM

At Premiumisation Partners we have a passion for discovery, engaging teams to ignite future growth and building value that lasts.



We are proud that these leading brands have embraced the NEO typology.

Tony Pearson, CEO at A.H. Beard discusses the positive impact on the P&L and the margin enhancement a Premiumisation Strategy has delivered for Australia’s leading sleep company. He shares how the understanding of the NEO mindset and value creation capabilities have been seamlessly embedded into the organisations capabilities by the Premiumisation Partners team.


OUR Partners

We provide fully integrated solutions with our premium execution specialists, who are guardians for the NEO guidelines and are selected for each project based on their expertise.

Like us our guardians love the edge, not the mainstream



Introducing Premiumisation

An introduction to Premiumisation by Dr Ross Honeywill. He explains the keys to profitable growth, margin and brand equity. Ross explains what makes a premium brand premium in the minds of the highest spending consumers.


What Planet is your Business ON?

A radical new breed of consumers is ignoring discount businesses across the globe and simultaneously making fortunes for entrepreneurs. They killed Borders Books in Australia. They killed Borders Books in America. And just paid full price for 40 million iPads.

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NEOs for Media Owners

Dr Ross Honeywill introduces NEOs to media owners. Ross explains how media owners can present the compelling data now available on Roy Morgan Single Source database to advertisers and how they can activate the knowledge.


10 Pillars for the Economic Recovery

When the consumer economy eventually starts to recover and create the new normal, the architects of recovery will not be economists or politicians - they will be consumers.

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Retail spending bifurcation

Dr Ross Honeywill explains the bifurcation of Australian retail spending. He shows how the data very clearly demonstrates how NEOs are driving the retail spending in a two speed consumer economy.


Why Discretionary Spending is Old Hat

I’m endlessly amused by bored sportspeople and jumpy teenagers saying they just can’t wait for the COVID-19 constraints to be over. As if everything will be normal when the pub or the skatepark fully reopens.

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 To discuss your interest in a Premiumisation strategy that creates sustainable growth for your business, contact or call +61 429 464 243
